Heavy Heart, Hurt Hammie, Soaring Spirit

At mile 37, I had what I considered the Absolute BEST idea for my race report and decided to repeat this over and over until I reached my pacer at the next aid station. After running 37 miles, every idea seems astonishing. As I look back on most of my discoveries during this race, they are not as impressive as I once believed. But nonetheless, I'll stick with my original title of: Heavy Heart, Hurt Hammie and Soaring Spirit. Since Cayuga, I have been debating running Twisted Branch. Unsure how my body would tolerate the heavy milage, I held off on signing up until the very last moment (possibly the last second). A few weeks prior to signing up, I messaged one of my adventure partners (Jason) and asked him if he was interested in being my pacer. A day before the race closed, Jason finally messaged me and basically was like, “ What is it going to be!” And I thought, what a beautiful way to say goodbye to the East Coast by running a 100k in the Finger Lakes and signed up. (Si...