Will a bear cry in the woods? If the Bear's name is Danielle, yes.

For all of you females out there (and maybe Males, what do I know!), do you remember the game of MASH? (The game where you found out who you would marry, how many kids you were going to have, what kind of car and what type of home you would be living in). These games felt SO important and crucial to how my life might be in 20 years. Well, 10 year old little Danielle, you were SO wrong. Fast forward to 32 year old Danielle who is currently living in shack / mansion (shack in a mansion, shack in a warehouse?) A long camping-trip? Hard to say, because it really depends on how you look at it. Anyways, no kids, no home, blue car. There is dog hair on all my clothes, mud on all my shoes, who knows the last time I have actually worn real work clothes (don’t tell my work), done my hair and cooked in an actual kitchen. I gave up my GPS watch, I do all of my workouts based on feel. See, how SIMPLE my life is? MASH, you failed!! I don't live in a mansion or ha...