
Showing posts from 2014

Running through a Rock Garden...

The mountains of Tennessee are calling.... Sometimes I am a very organized, responsible and planned person... Other times, not so much. Generally when it comes to running, I like to show up and run. The whole planning aspect is not something I enjoy and this does not really work for 50k's. One should and must plan for this (ESPESCIALLY if it happens to be many many miles away). On a whim (a whole two weeks before the race,) I decided to go through with Stump Jump 50k in Chattanooga. Now, I had been training for the distance but was not sure if logistically I could manage traveling that far. Also, most importantly, I need to be safe and healthy going into this race. After brainstorming with a few friends, I thought I feel good, why not? So I packed up drove 6 hours to my friend, Rachel and then drove 6.5 more to my friend Debbie in Tennessee. To help me along the way, I picked up a book on tape which happened to be Nora Roberts. For those who don't know, Nora Roberts is so...

Shake it off

I haven't published one of these in a while and since I could not sleep, I thought why not? . Throughout my life, I am constantly introduced to others (and my own) ideas/concepts/schemas of how we interpret our own lives. People adopt these beliefs and manage their lives according to these thoughts. A common thought is you work hard, you will reap the benefits. Another saying I hear often is: if you train hard, you'll be faster. Or, The kinder you are to others, the kinder people will be to you, etc. Perhaps through my own experiences and also through my job, I am far too aware that these concepts don't always play out as we think they should. I cannot believe I am about to publicly admit one of my own schemas, but perhaps the late night is getting to me. I have always wanted to believe that 'bad' things should not happen to good people. However as I think about how to define a good person, I don't have a strong definition for this anymore. Before starting m...

How tough could one more mile be..?

Muddy Sneaker As humans, we are habitual creatures per our nature; runners, especially hold true to this. We have habits, routinizes, rituals before our races. Listen or talk to a runner (or any athlete) and many create a pre-race routine and are very thrown off if this is unable to be completed. When I decided to no longer 'race', I thought my nerves/ pre- jitters/desire for pre-race routine would disappear if I did not strive for a certain outcome. However, each race, I am reminded that it does not work that way and find myself start getting nervous each race. The morning of muddy sneaker, things were messy. I did not sleep the night before, I made coffee, walked two steps and dropped the whole cup on myself. True to Danielle form, I also smashed right into a wall. Anyways, I was jittery and uncomfortable for a race I was running for FUN. Plotting along to the start, I am stuck in my head. Then I see a puppy and (for those who know me, know I can't help myself ...

What does success mean to you?

What does success mean to you? By definition, suc·cess ( səkˈses/) : “
the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. " To some, success may be as simple (or as hard) as getting out of bed in the morning. To others, success may be more to reach a certain goal or to never give up. To some, such as myself, success has been something I have always taken for granted.  I don't often give the 'journey' enough credit and focus on results. In a way, society teaches us to function and live like this. Often the message presented is that your best is not good enough, and if that is your best, you better try harder. Failing for us is not an option. fail·ing [ fey -ling]:”a defect or fault; shortcoming; weakness.”  Can you locate at what point something becomes a 'failure'? Is it never trying what you unconsciously want because you afraid of outcomes?  Or is pulling back when things get too tough. Since my head seems to think in terms of athletes, I often look at challenges...

What I have learned from these challenges is, no one can tell you what you are or what you are not. YOU have to decide that.

I realize a lot of my posts tend to focus on exercise and athleticism but this is currently what I find myself most wondering about. I find myself trying to better understand what a runner is . When I completed inpatient treatment, I was told to take running out of my vocabulary. I remember it so clearly and remember thinking, okay I was not a runner and I am not a runner. I pulled off my numerous marathon bumper stickers off my 2002 Jetta and said I would never be a runner again. The tears poured down my eyes as I felt my identity being ripped from my hands. According to the specialists, running was my addiction. For those suffering with drugs, we tell them to stay away from anything drug related. Don't hang out with those old friends, don't go down those street, don't go to the bar. Difficult but depending on your motivation, definitely doable. The experts tell me I must regulate my exercise and find a healthy have medium with it all. So, unlike other addictions, I c...

I don't like being judged for my past, who does?

As I sit down to write this post, posting it to the general public makes me nausea with fear. I have read other's blogs about this topic and always felt a mix of awe and shame for them. Sharing such private intimate details to the public opens you up to a lot of criticism , judgement and also in way makes you more accountable. However, recently I have been able to witness some incredible acts of courage in that people took chances to allow themselves to be more vulnerable. Feeling strength from their energy and in the spirit of NEDA (National Eating Disorder Awareness Month), I want to share my story. “ To get something you have never had you must do something you have never done." I have created a life for myself which has many separate identities. Danielle, the therapist. Danielle, the friend. Danielle, the teacher. Danielle, the athlete. Never allowing pieces of my past slip into my current life. Many people in my life now do not associate me with an eating ...