
Showing posts from March, 2014

What does success mean to you?

What does success mean to you? By definition, suc·cess ( səkˈses/) : “
the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. " To some, success may be as simple (or as hard) as getting out of bed in the morning. To others, success may be more to reach a certain goal or to never give up. To some, such as myself, success has been something I have always taken for granted.  I don't often give the 'journey' enough credit and focus on results. In a way, society teaches us to function and live like this. Often the message presented is that your best is not good enough, and if that is your best, you better try harder. Failing for us is not an option. fail·ing [ fey -ling]:”a defect or fault; shortcoming; weakness.”  Can you locate at what point something becomes a 'failure'? Is it never trying what you unconsciously want because you afraid of outcomes?  Or is pulling back when things get too tough. Since my head seems to think in terms of athletes, I often look at challenges...