A Case of the Should's

It is 2:45 AM and a million thoughts are spewing in my head. I try to fall back to sleep for hours and around daybreak, I head for the trails to clear me of my fears. Some people fear the dark in the woods, I find solace and hope. Plagued by uncertainty of the future, sleep is not an inviting place. I have decisions to make about my future and I am uncertain how to proceed. Do I take the safe comfortable way or put everything out on the table? As I am moving to make a choice, I catch a nasty case of the should's. The should's generally show their ugly face when taking a new life path and when being confronted by other's questions about my life and my future. Lucky for me, this has been happening a lot lately! As my Facebook page illustrates, I have not been working since June when I volunteering choose to leave my job. My original plans did not pan out and I have been enjoying incredible adventures in the...