2nd, 15th, 22nd or last place: the outcome will be the same and eventually, the race results will fade.

Coming off my most emotionally charged 100 miler in Utah (The Bear), I decided last minute with my coach to sign up for a 50 miler. The goal was to end my season on hopefully an emotional higher note. I had one goal for this race: unconditional self-compassion for myself and effort. I was a month (or so) out from the 100 miler and still so pissed at how I treated myself during the race. (And I know, how does it help to be pissed at yourself when you are working on self-love?!). Regardless, I wanted redemption and not in the usual sense. See, about 6 months before The Bear, I decided to take the next step in my career and started a sports in Social Work certificate to improve my knowledge base for working with athletes and improving their negative self-talk, imagery and mindfulness. I have been doing homework assignments, reading books, journaling and working on improving my relationship with myself. Because, when you are a therapist or mental health coach, it is re...